Arm Trademarks

The information provided in this section applies to Arm's customers, partners, licensees, distributors, the media and any other third party. Arm may update these guidelines from time to time.

Arm's trademarks are among the company's most valuable intellectual property assets. They represent the highest standards of quality and excellence associated with Arm's products and services.

Arm trademark notice

AMBA, Arm, Arm Accuracy Super Resolution, Arm Kleidi, Arm ServerReady, Arm SystemReady, Arm7, Arm7TDMI, Arm9, Arm11, Artisan, Assertive Display, big.LITTLE, Cordio, CoreLink, CoreSight, Corstone, Cortex, CryptoCell, CryptoIsland, DesignStart, DynamIQ, Ethos, Helium, Immortalis, Iridix, Jazelle, Keil, Mali, Mbed, Neon, Neoverse, On Arm, POP, RealView, SecurCore, Sinter, Socrates, Temper, Thumb, TrustZone, ULINK, ULINK2, ULINK-ME, ULINK-PLUS, ULINKpro and µVision are trademarks or registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries or affiliates) in the US and/or elsewhere. The related technology may be protected by any or all of patents, copyrights, designs and trade secrets. All rights reserved.

Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

All other brands or product names are the property of their respective holders.

Copyright © 1995-2024 Arm Limited (or its affiliates).

Please refer to the trademark guidelines in this section before using any Arm trademark.

Using Arm's trademarks

You may use Arm's word trademarks, product names, service names, technology names and other names in text to refer to Arm's products and services and related technology if you follow these guidelines and your use is accurate, fair and not misleading. Please consult the materials below when using any Arm word trademark:
  • Arm trademark list - this contains a list of Arm's word trademarks with key information about how to use them.
  • Arm trademark use guidelines - this section contains general usage guidelines that you should follow when referring to any Arm word trademark.
  • Arm branding guidelines - please follow these guidelines if you hold a valid trademark license from Arm.

Please contact our trademarks teamif you have any questions about using Arm’s trademarks..

Arm branding guidelines

Please follow the Arm brand guidelines if you hold a valid trademark license from Arm.

Using the Arm corporate logo

Please follow the Arm corporate logo use guidelines when using the Arm corporate logo.

Arm logo and copyright permission requests

Please contact our trademarks team if you want permission to use the Arm corporate logo or Arm copyright material. Please follow the Arm corporate logo use guidelines when using the Arm corporate logo.

Contact our trademarks team

Please contact our trademarks team if you have any questions about Arm's trademarks or you wish to report any abuse of Arm's trademarks.