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187:\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {\n    var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\n        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\n    return function (d, b) {\n        extendStatics(d, b);\n        function __() { this.constructor = d; }\n        d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n    };\n})();\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\nvar underscore_1 = __webpack_require__(0);\nvar QueryEvents_1 = __webpack_require__(11);\nvar GlobalExports_1 = __webpack_require__(3);\nvar Assert_1 = __webpack_require__(5);\nvar Dom_1 = __webpack_require__(1);\nvar Utils_1 = __webpack_require__(4);\nvar Component_1 = __webpack_require__(7);\nvar ComponentOptions_1 = __webpack_require__(8);\nvar Initialization_1 = __webpack_require__(2);\nvar QueryBuilder_1 = __webpack_require__(47);\nvar SortCriteria_1 = __webpack_require__(498);\n/**\n * The `Folding` component makes it possible to render hierarchic representations of search results sharing a common\n * [`field`]{@link Folding.options.field}.\n *\n * This component has no visual impact on its own. It simply folds certain search results so that the\n * [`ResultFolding`]{@link ResultFolding} and [`ResultAttachments`]{@link ResultAttachments} components can then nicely\n * render them within result templates (see [Result Templates](https://docs.coveo.com/en/413/)).\n *\n * A typical use case of the `Folding` component is to fold email conversations and message board threads results in a\n * result set in order to display them in a convenient format. Messages belonging to a single conversation typically\n * have a unique conversation ID. By indexing this ID on a field, you can use it to fold search results (see\n * [Folding Results](https://docs.coveo.com/en/428/)).\n *\n * **Note:**\n * > There can only be one `Folding` component per [`Tab`]{@link Tab} component.\n *\n */\nvar Folding = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n    __extends(Folding, _super);\n    /**\n     * Creates a new `Folding` component.\n     * @param element The HTMLElement on which to instantiate the component.\n     * @param options The options for the `Folding` component.\n     * @param bindings The bindings that the component requires to function normally. If not set, these will be\n     * automatically resolved (with a slower execution time).\n     */\n    function Folding(element, options, bindings) {\n        var _this = _super.call(this, element, Folding.ID, bindings) || this;\n        _this.element = element;\n        _this.options = options;\n        _this.options = ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.initComponentOptions(element, Folding, options);\n        Assert_1.Assert.check(Utils_1.Utils.isCoveoField(_this.options.field), _this.options.field + ' is not a valid field');\n        Assert_1.Assert.exists(_this.options.maximumExpandedResults);\n        _this.swapParentChildFoldingFields();\n        _this.bind.onRootElement(QueryEvents_1.QueryEvents.buildingQuery, _this.handleBuildingQuery);\n        _this.bind.onRootElement(QueryEvents_1.QueryEvents.preprocessResults, _this.handlepreprocessResults);\n        return _this;\n    }\n    // From a list of results, return a list of results and their attachments\n    // We use parentResult to build a tree of result\n    Folding.foldWithParent = function (queryResults) {\n        var rootNode = {\n            score: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,\n            children: [],\n            result: {\n                raw: false\n            }\n        };\n        underscore_1.each(queryResults, function (queryResult, i) {\n            var resultNode = Folding.findUniqueId(rootNode.children, queryResult.uniqueId);\n            // If he have no parent or is parent is him self, add it to the root\n            if (queryResult.parentResult == null || queryResult.parentResult.uniqueId == queryResult.uniqueId) {\n                // Add it only if he do not exist\n                if (resultNode == null) {\n                    resultNode = {\n                        result: queryResult,\n                        score: i,\n                        children: []\n                    };\n                    rootNode.children.push(resultNode);\n                    resultNode.parent = rootNode;\n                }\n            }\n            else {\n                // If the resultNode already exist\n                if (resultNode != null) {\n                    resultNode.score = Math.min(i, resultNode.score);\n                    // Remove himself from his parent because it will be added in his parent. This allowed to remove duplicate.\n                    resultNode.parent.children = underscore_1.without(resultNode.parent.children, resultNode);\n                }\n                else {\n                    resultNode = {\n                        result: queryResult,\n                        score: i,\n                        children: []\n                    };\n                }\n                var parentResult = Folding.findUniqueId(rootNode.children, queryResult.parentResult.uniqueId);\n                // If the parent does not already exist, create it and add it the root\n                if (parentResult == null) {\n                    parentResult = {\n                        result: queryResult.parentResult,\n                        score: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,\n                        children: []\n                    };\n                    rootNode.children.push(parentResult);\n                    parentResult.parent = rootNode;\n                }\n                // Add the resultNode to parent\n                parentResult.children.push(resultNode);\n                resultNode.parent = parentResult;\n                var parent_1 = parentResult;\n                while (parent_1 != null && resultNode.score < parent_1.score) {\n                    parent_1.score = resultNode.score;\n                    parent_1 = parent_1.parent;\n                }\n            }\n        });\n        var rootResult = Folding.resultNodeToQueryResult(rootNode);\n        // Remove the root from all results\n        underscore_1.each(rootResult.attachments, function (attachment) { return (attachment.parentResult = null); });\n        return rootResult.attachments;\n    };\n    // 99.9% of the folding case will be alright with those default functions.\n    // Otherwise use the options getResult and getMoreResults\n    Folding.defaultGetResult = function (result) {\n        var results = result.childResults || [];\n        // Add the top result at the top of the list\n        results.unshift(result);\n        // Empty childResults just to make it more clean\n        result.childResults = [];\n        // Fold those results\n        results = Folding.foldWithParent(results);\n        // The first result is the top one\n        var topResult = results.shift();\n        // All other the results are childResults\n        topResult.childResults = results;\n        return topResult;\n    };\n    Folding.defaultGetMoreResults = function (results) {\n        // The result are flat, just do the fold\n        return Folding.foldWithParent(results);\n    };\n    // Convert ResultNode to QueryResult\n    Folding.resultNodeToQueryResult = function (resultNode) {\n        var result = resultNode.result;\n        result.attachments = underscore_1.map(underscore_1.sortBy(resultNode.children, 'score'), Folding.resultNodeToQueryResult);\n        result.parentResult = resultNode.parent != null ? resultNode.parent.result : null;\n        return result;\n    };\n    Folding.findUniqueId = function (resultNodes, uniqueId) {\n        for (var i = 0; i < resultNodes.length; i++) {\n            if (resultNodes[i].result.uniqueId == uniqueId) {\n                return resultNodes[i];\n            }\n            var resultNode = Folding.findUniqueId(resultNodes[i].children, uniqueId);\n            if (resultNode != null) {\n                return resultNode;\n            }\n        }\n        return null;\n    };\n    Folding.prototype.swapParentChildFoldingFields = function () {\n        // Swap \"old\" childField and parentField and assign them to the \"new\" parent option\n        // This needs to be done because connectors push the default data in *reverse* order compared to what the index expect.\n        if (this.options.childField != null) {\n            this.logger.warn('Detecting usage of deprecated option \"childField\". Assigning it automatically to the \"parent\" option instead.');\n            this.logger.warn('The option definition was changed to support universal folding across all sources.');\n            this.logger.warn('To remove this warning, rename the \"childField\" option (data-child-field) to \"parent\" (data-parent).');\n            this.options.parent = this.options.childField;\n        }\n        if (this.options.parentField != null) {\n            this.logger.warn('Detecting usage of deprecated option \"parentField\". Assigning it automatically to the \"child\" option instead.');\n            this.logger.warn('The option definition was changed to support universal folding across all sources.');\n            this.logger.warn('To remove this warning, rename the \"parentField\" option (data-parent-field) to \"child\" (data-child).');\n            this.options.child = this.options.parentField;\n        }\n    };\n    Folding.prototype.handleBuildingQuery = function (data) {\n        Assert_1.Assert.exists(data);\n        if (!this.disabled) {\n            data.queryBuilder.childField = this.options.parent;\n            data.queryBuilder.parentField = this.options.child;\n            data.queryBuilder.filterField = this.options.field;\n            data.queryBuilder.filterFieldRange = this.options.range;\n            data.queryBuilder.requiredFields.push(this.options.field);\n            if (this.options.parent != null) {\n                data.queryBuilder.requiredFields.push(this.options.parent);\n            }\n            if (this.options.child != null) {\n                data.queryBuilder.requiredFields.push(this.options.child);\n            }\n        }\n    };\n    Folding.prototype.handlepreprocessResults = function (data) {\n        var _this = this;\n        Assert_1.Assert.exists(data);\n        Assert_1.Assert.check(!data.results._folded, 'Two or more Folding components are active at the same time for the same Tab. Cannot process the results.');\n        data.results._folded = true;\n        var queryResults = data.results;\n        var getResult = this.options.getResult || Folding.defaultGetResult;\n        queryResults.results = underscore_1.map(queryResults.results, getResult);\n        if (this.options.rearrange) {\n            queryResults.results.forEach(function (result) {\n                result.childResults = underscore_1.sortBy(result.childResults, function (result) { return Utils_1.Utils.getFieldValue(result, _this.options.rearrange.sort); });\n                if (_this.shouldBeReversed(result.childResults)) {\n                    result.childResults = result.childResults.reverse();\n                }\n            });\n        }\n        this.addLoadMoreHandler(queryResults.results, data.query);\n    };\n    Folding.prototype.shouldBeReversed = function (childResults) {\n        var _this = this;\n        if (this.options.rearrange.direction == 'ascending') {\n            return false;\n        }\n        var childMissingSortByValue = underscore_1.any(childResults, function (childResult) {\n            return Utils_1.Utils.isNullOrUndefined(Utils_1.Utils.getFieldValue(childResult, _this.options.rearrange.sort));\n        });\n        if (childMissingSortByValue) {\n            return false;\n        }\n        return true;\n    };\n    Folding.prototype.addLoadMoreHandler = function (results, originalQuery) {\n        var _this = this;\n        return underscore_1.map(results, function (result) {\n            if (_this.options.enableExpand && !Utils_1.Utils.isNullOrUndefined(Utils_1.Utils.getFieldValue(result, _this.options.field))) {\n                result.moreResults = function () {\n                    return _this.moreResults(result, originalQuery);\n                };\n            }\n            return result;\n        });\n    };\n    Folding.prototype.moreResults = function (result, originalQuery) {\n        var _this = this;\n        var query = underscore_1.clone(originalQuery);\n        var builder = new QueryBuilder_1.QueryBuilder();\n        query.numberOfResults = this.options.maximumExpandedResults;\n        var fieldValue = Utils_1.Utils.getFieldValue(result, this.options.field);\n        if (Utils_1.Utils.isNonEmptyString(fieldValue)) {\n            builder.advancedExpression.addFieldExpression(this.options.field, '=', [fieldValue]);\n            query.aq = builder.build().aq;\n        }\n        if (Utils_1.Utils.isNonEmptyString(originalQuery.q)) {\n            // We add keywords to get the highlight and we add @uri to get all results\n            // To ensure it plays nicely with query syntax, we ensure that the needed part of the query\n            // are correctly surrounded with the no syntax block\n            if (originalQuery.enableQuerySyntax) {\n                query.q = \"( \" + originalQuery.q + \" ) OR @uri\";\n            }\n            else {\n                query.enableQuerySyntax = true;\n                query.q = \"( <@- \" + originalQuery.q + \" -@> ) OR @uri\";\n            }\n        }\n        if (Utils_1.Utils.isNonEmptyString(this.options.expandExpression)) {\n            query.cq = this.options.expandExpression;\n        }\n        if (this.options.child != null) {\n            query.parentField = this.options.child;\n        }\n        if (this.options.parent != null) {\n            query.childField = this.options.parent;\n        }\n        query.filterField = null;\n        query.filterFieldRange = null;\n        query.firstResult = 0;\n        if (this.options.rearrange) {\n            this.options.rearrange.putInQueryBuilder(builder);\n            query.sortCriteria = builder.sortCriteria;\n            query.sortField = builder.sortField;\n        }\n        else {\n            query.sortCriteria = originalQuery.sortCriteria;\n            query.sortField = originalQuery.sortField;\n        }\n        return this.queryController\n            .getEndpoint()\n            .search(query)\n            .then(function (results) {\n            _this.handlePreprocessMoreResults(results);\n            return results.results;\n        })\n            .catch(function (e) {\n            _this.logger.error(\"Invalid query performed while trying to retrieve more results for folding.\", e);\n            return [];\n        });\n    };\n    Folding.prototype.handlePreprocessMoreResults = function (queryResults) {\n        var getResults = this.options.getMoreResults || Folding.defaultGetMoreResults;\n        queryResults.results = getResults(queryResults.results);\n        Dom_1.$$(this.element).trigger(QueryEvents_1.QueryEvents.preprocessMoreResults, {\n            results: queryResults\n        });\n    };\n    Folding.ID = 'Folding';\n    Folding.doExport = function () {\n        GlobalExports_1.exportGlobally({\n            Folding: Folding\n        });\n    };\n    /**\n     * The options for the component\n     * @componentOptions\n     */\n    Folding.options = {\n        /**\n         * Specifies the name of the field on which to do the folding.\n         *\n         * Specifying a value for this option is required for this component to work.\n         *\n         * **Note:**\n         * > In an Elasticsearch index, the corresponding field must be configured as a *Facet* field\n         * > (see [Add or Edit Fields](https://docs.coveo.com/en/1982/)).\n         * > This limitation does not apply to Coveo indexes.\n         *\n         * Default value is `@foldingcollection`.\n         */\n        field: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({ defaultValue: '@foldingcollection' }),\n        /**\n         * Specifies the field that determines whether a certain result is a child of another top result.\n         *\n         * **Note:**\n         * > In the index, the values of the corresponding field must:\n         * > - Contain alphanumerical characters only.\n         * > - Contain no more than 60 characters.\n         *\n         * Default value is `@foldingchild`.\n         */\n        child: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({ defaultValue: '@foldingchild' }),\n        /**\n         * Specifies the field that determines whether a certain result is a top result containing other child results.\n         *\n         * **Note:**\n         * > In the index, the values of the corresponding field must:\n         * > - Contain alphanumerical characters only.\n         * > - Contain no more than 60 characters.\n         *\n         * Default value is `@foldingparent`.\n         */\n        parent: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({ defaultValue: '@foldingparent' }),\n        /**\n         * This option is deprecated. Instead, use the {@link Folding.options.parent} option.\n         * @deprecated\n         */\n        childField: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({\n            deprecated: 'This option is deprecated. Instead, use the data-parent option.'\n        }),\n        /**\n         * This option is deprecated. Instead, use the {@link Folding.options.child} option.\n         * @deprecated\n         */\n        parentField: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({\n            deprecated: 'This option is deprecated. Instead, use the data-child option.'\n        }),\n        /**\n         * Specifies the maximum number of child results to fold.\n         *\n         * **Example:**\n         * > For an email thread with a total of 20 messages, using the default value of `2` means that the component loads\n         * > up to a maximum of 2 child messages under the original message, unless the end user expands the entire\n         * > conversation using the **Show More** link (see the [`enableExpand`]{@link Folding.options.enableExpand}\n         * > option).\n         *\n         * Default value is `2`. Minimum value is `0`.\n         */\n        range: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildNumberOption({ defaultValue: 2, min: 0 }),\n        /**\n         * Specifies the sort criteria to apply to the top result and its child results (e.g., `date ascending`,\n         * `@myfield descending`, etc.). See [sortCriteria](https://docs.coveo.com/en/1461/#RestQueryParameters-sortCriteria).\n         *\n         * This option works from the results returned by the index. This means that if only the three most relevant folded results are returned by the index\n         * and you choose to rearrange the folded results by date, then the three most relevant results will be rearranged by date,\n         * meaning that the first folded result is not necessarily the oldest or newest item.\n         *\n         * However, since clicking on the `Show More` button triggers a new query, you would receive new results based on the sort criteria of this option.\n         *\n         * **Example**\n         * > If you are folding email results by conversation and you specify `date descending` as the `rearrange` value of\n         * > the `Folding` component, the component re-arranges email conversations so that the newest email is always the\n         * > top result. Specifying `date ascending` instead always makes the original email the top result, as it is also\n         * > necessarily the oldest.\n         *\n         * By default, the component displays the results in the order that the index returns them.\n         */\n        rearrange: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildCustomOption(function (value) { return (Utils_1.Utils.isNonEmptyString(value) ? SortCriteria_1.SortCriteria.parse(value) : null); }),\n        /**\n         * Specifies whether to add a callback function on the top result, allowing to make an additional query to load all\n         * of its child results (e.g., to load all conversations of a given thread).\n         *\n         * Concretely, the [`ResultFolding`]{@link ResultFolding} component uses this for its **Show More** link.\n         *\n         * See also the [`expandExpression`]{@link Folding.options.expandExpression} and\n         * [`maximumExpandedResults`]{@link Folding.options.maximumExpandedResults} options.\n         *\n         * Default value is `true`.\n         */\n        enableExpand: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildBooleanOption({ defaultValue: true }),\n        /**\n         * If the [`enableExpand`]{@link Folding.options.enableExpand} option is `true`, specifies a custom constant\n         * expression to send when querying the expanded results.\n         *\n         * Default value is `undefined`.\n         */\n        expandExpression: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildQueryExpressionOption({ depend: 'enableExpand' }),\n        /**\n         * If the [`enableExpand`]{@link Folding.options.enableExpand} option is `true`, specifies the maximum number of\n         * results to load when expanding.\n         *\n         * Default value is `100`. Minimum value is `1`.\n         */\n        maximumExpandedResults: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildNumberOption({ defaultValue: 100, min: 1, depend: 'enableExpand' }),\n        /**\n         * Specifies the function that manages the individual folding of each result.\n         *\n         * Default value is:\n         *\n         * ```javascript\n         * var results = result.childResults || [];\n         * // Add the top result at the top of the list.\n         * results.unshift(result);\n         * // Empty childResults just to clean it.\n         * result.childResults = [];\n         * // Fold those results.\n         * results = Coveo.Folding.foldWithParent(results);\n         * // The first result is the top one.\n         * var topResult = results.shift();\n         * // All other results are childResults.\n         * topResult.childResults = results;\n         * return topResult;\n         * ```\n         *\n         * You can pre-process all the result with this option in the [`init`]{@link init} call of your search interface:\n         *\n         * ```javascript\n         * Coveo.init(document.querySelector('#search'), {\n         *    Folding: {\n         *      getResult: function(result) {\n         *        result = Coveo.Folding.defaultGetResult(result);\n         *        // Your code here\n         *      }\n         *    }\n         * })\n         * ```\n         */\n        getResult: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildCustomOption(function () {\n            return null;\n        }),\n        /**\n         * Specifies the function that manages the folding of all results.\n         *\n         * Default value is:\n         *\n         * ```javascript\n         * Coveo.Folding.defaultGetMoreResults = function(results) {\n         *    // The results are flat, just do the folding.\n         *    return Coveo.Folding.foldWithParent(results);\n         * }\n         * ```\n         */\n        getMoreResults: ComponentOptions_1.ComponentOptions.buildCustomOption(function () {\n            return null;\n        })\n    };\n    return Folding;\n}(Component_1.Component));\nexports.Folding = Folding;\nInitialization_1.Initialization.registerAutoCreateComponent(Folding);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ 254:\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {\n    var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\n        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\n    return function (d, b) {\n        extendStatics(d, b);\n        function __() { this.constructor = d; }\n        d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n    };\n})();\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\nvar GlobalExports_1 = __webpack_require__(3);\nvar Initialization_1 = __webpack_require__(2);\nvar Folding_1 = __webpack_require__(187);\n/**\n * The `FoldingForThread` component inherits from the [`Folding`]{@link Folding} component. It offers the\n * same configuration options.\n *\n * Folding conversations and threads requires different processing. When you need to fold all child items (including\n * their attachments) on the same level under a common ancestor item, use this component rather than the `Folding`\n * component.\n *\n * This component works well with Chatter and Lithium.\n *\n * **Note:**\n * > There can only be one `FoldingForThread` component per [`Tab`]{@link Tab} component.\n *\n * See [Folding Results](https://docs.coveo.com/en/428/).\n */\nvar FoldingForThread = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n    __extends(FoldingForThread, _super);\n    /**\n     * Creates a new `FoldingForThread` component\n     * @param element The HTMLElement on which to instantiate the component.\n     * @param options The options for the `FoldingForThread` component.\n     * @param bindings The bindings that the component requires to function normally. If not set, these will be\n     * automatically resolved (with a slower execution time).\n     */\n    function FoldingForThread(element, options, bindings) {\n        var _this = _super.call(this, element, options, bindings) || this;\n        _this.element = element;\n        _this.options = options;\n        _this.options.getMoreResults = function (results) {\n            return Folding_1.Folding.foldWithParent(results)[0].attachments;\n        };\n        _this.options.getResult = function (result) {\n            var defaultResult = Folding_1.Folding.defaultGetResult(result);\n            defaultResult.childResults = defaultResult.attachments;\n            defaultResult.attachments = [];\n            return defaultResult;\n        };\n        return _this;\n    }\n    FoldingForThread.ID = 'FoldingForThread';\n    FoldingForThread.doExport = function () {\n        GlobalExports_1.exportGlobally({\n            FoldingForThread: FoldingForThread\n        });\n    };\n    return FoldingForThread;\n}(Folding_1.Folding));\nexports.FoldingForThread = FoldingForThread;\nInitialization_1.Initialization.registerAutoCreateComponent(FoldingForThread);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ 498:\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\nvar underscore_1 = __webpack_require__(0);\nvar Assert_1 = __webpack_require__(5);\nvar VALID_SORT;\n(function (VALID_SORT) {\n    VALID_SORT[\"RELEVANCY\"] = \"relevancy\";\n    VALID_SORT[\"DATE\"] = \"date\";\n    VALID_SORT[\"QRE\"] = \"qre\";\n})(VALID_SORT = exports.VALID_SORT || (exports.VALID_SORT = {}));\nvar VALID_DIRECTION;\n(function (VALID_DIRECTION) {\n    VALID_DIRECTION[\"ASCENDING\"] = \"ascending\";\n    VALID_DIRECTION[\"DESCENDING\"] = \"descending\";\n})(VALID_DIRECTION = exports.VALID_DIRECTION || (exports.VALID_DIRECTION = {}));\nvar SortCriterion = /** @class */ (function () {\n    /**\n     * Create a new SortCriteria\n     * @param sort The sort criteria (e.g.: relevancy, date)\n     * @param direction The direction by which to sort (e.g.: ascending, descending)\n     */\n    function SortCriterion(sort, direction) {\n        if (direction === void 0) { direction = ''; }\n        this.sort = sort;\n        this.direction = direction;\n        if (!SortCriterion.sortIsField(sort)) {\n            Assert_1.Assert.check(this.isValidSort(sort), sort + \" is not a valid sort criteria. Valid values are \" + underscore_1.values(VALID_SORT) + \" or a valid index sortable index field.\");\n        }\n        if (SortCriterion.sortNeedsDirection(sort)) {\n            Assert_1.Assert.check(this.isValidDirection(direction), direction + \" is not a valid sort criteria direction. Valid values are \" + underscore_1.values(VALID_DIRECTION));\n        }\n        else {\n            Assert_1.Assert.check(direction == '');\n        }\n    }\n    SortCriterion.prototype.isValidDirection = function (direction) {\n        return underscore_1.chain(VALID_DIRECTION)\n            .values()\n            .contains(direction)\n            .value();\n    };\n    SortCriterion.prototype.isValidSort = function (sort) {\n        return underscore_1.chain(VALID_SORT)\n            .values()\n            .contains(sort)\n            .value();\n    };\n    SortCriterion.sortIsField = function (criteria) {\n        return criteria.charAt(0) == '@';\n    };\n    SortCriterion.sortNeedsDirection = function (sort) {\n        return underscore_1.contains(SortCriterion.sortsNeedingDirection, sort) || SortCriterion.sortIsField(sort);\n    };\n    SortCriterion.sortsNeedingDirection = [VALID_SORT.DATE];\n    return SortCriterion;\n}());\nexports.SortCriterion = SortCriterion;\nvar SortCriteria = /** @class */ (function () {\n    function SortCriteria(rawCriteriaString) {\n        var _this = this;\n        this.criteria = [];\n        var criteria = rawCriteriaString.split(';');\n        criteria.forEach(function (criterion) {\n            var split = criterion.match(/\\S+/g);\n            _this.criteria.push(new SortCriterion(split[0], split[1]));\n        });\n    }\n    Object.defineProperty(SortCriteria.prototype, \"direction\", {\n        get: function () {\n            return underscore_1.first(this.criteria).direction;\n        },\n        enumerable: true,\n        configurable: true\n    });\n    Object.defineProperty(SortCriteria.prototype, \"sort\", {\n        get: function () {\n            return underscore_1.first(this.criteria).sort;\n        },\n        enumerable: true,\n        configurable: true\n    });\n    /**\n     * Return a new SortCriteria from a string\n     * @param criteria The string from which to create the SortCriteria\n     */\n    SortCriteria.parse = function (criteria) {\n        return new SortCriteria(criteria);\n    };\n    /**\n     * Put the sort criteria in the passed queryBuilder\n     * @param queryBuilder The queryBuilder in which to put the sort criteria.\n     */\n    SortCriteria.prototype.putInQueryBuilder = function (queryBuilder) {\n        Assert_1.Assert.exists(queryBuilder);\n        queryBuilder.sortCriteria = this.toString()\n            .split(';')\n            .join(',');\n    };\n    /**\n     * Returns a string representation of the sort criteria (e.g.: 'date ascending').\n     */\n    SortCriteria.prototype.toString = function () {\n        return this.criteria\n            .map(function (criterion) {\n            return criterion.direction ? criterion.sort + \" \" + criterion.direction : \"\" + criterion.sort;\n        })\n            .join(';');\n    };\n    /**\n     * Checks if the SortCriteria is equal to another.\n     * @param criteria The SortCriteria to compare with\n     */\n    SortCriteria.prototype.equals = function (criteria) {\n        return criteria.toString() == this.toString();\n    };\n    return SortCriteria;\n}());\nexports.SortCriteria = SortCriteria;\n\n\n/***/ })\n\n});\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// FoldingForThread.min__00ecf0bd3e47c7b52b32.js","import { any, clone, each, map, sortBy, without } from 'underscore';\nimport { IBuildingQueryEventArgs, IPreprocessResultsEventArgs, QueryEvents } from '../../events/QueryEvents';\nimport { exportGlobally } from '../../GlobalExports';\nimport { Assert } from '../../misc/Assert';\nimport { IQuery } from '../../rest/Query';\nimport { IQueryResult } from '../../rest/QueryResult';\nimport { IQueryResults } from '../../rest/QueryResults';\nimport { $$ } from '../../utils/Dom';\nimport { Utils } from '../../utils/Utils';\nimport { Component } from '../Base/Component';\nimport { IComponentBindings } from '../Base/ComponentBindings';\nimport { ComponentOptions } from '../Base/ComponentOptions';\nimport { IFieldOption, IQueryExpression } from '../Base/IComponentOptions';\nimport { Initialization } from '../Base/Initialization';\nimport { QueryBuilder } from '../Base/QueryBuilder';\nimport { SortCriteria } from '../Sort/SortCriteria';\n\nexport interface IFoldingOptions {\n  field?: IFieldOption;\n  child?: IFieldOption;\n  parent?: IFieldOption;\n\n  childField?: IFieldOption;\n  parentField?: IFieldOption;\n\n  range?: number;\n  rearrange?: SortCriteria;\n\n  enableExpand?: boolean;\n  expandExpression?: IQueryExpression;\n  maximumExpandedResults?: number;\n\n  /**\n   * Manage folding for each results individually\n   */\n  getResult?: (result: IQueryResult) => IQueryResult;\n  /**\n   * Manage folding of all more results\n   */\n  getMoreResults?: (results: IQueryResult[]) => IQueryResult[];\n}\n\ninterface IResultNode {\n  score: number;\n  parent?: IResultNode;\n  result: IQueryResult;\n  children: IResultNode[];\n}\n\n/**\n * The `Folding` component makes it possible to render hierarchic representations of search results sharing a common\n * [`field`]{@link Folding.options.field}.\n *\n * This component has no visual impact on its own. It simply folds certain search results so that the\n * [`ResultFolding`]{@link ResultFolding} and [`ResultAttachments`]{@link ResultAttachments} components can then nicely\n * render them within result templates (see [Result Templates](https://docs.coveo.com/en/413/)).\n *\n * A typical use case of the `Folding` component is to fold email conversations and message board threads results in a\n * result set in order to display them in a convenient format. Messages belonging to a single conversation typically\n * have a unique conversation ID. By indexing this ID on a field, you can use it to fold search results (see\n * [Folding Results](https://docs.coveo.com/en/428/)).\n *\n * **Note:**\n * > There can only be one `Folding` component per [`Tab`]{@link Tab} component.\n *\n */\nexport class Folding extends Component {\n  static ID = 'Folding';\n\n  static doExport = () => {\n    exportGlobally({\n      Folding: Folding\n    });\n  };\n\n  /**\n   * The options for the component\n   * @componentOptions\n   */\n  static options: IFoldingOptions = {\n    /**\n     * Specifies the name of the field on which to do the folding.\n     *\n     * Specifying a value for this option is required for this component to work.\n     *\n     * **Note:**\n     * > In an Elasticsearch index, the corresponding field must be configured as a *Facet* field\n     * > (see [Add or Edit Fields](https://docs.coveo.com/en/1982/)).\n     * > This limitation does not apply to Coveo indexes.\n     *\n     * Default value is `@foldingcollection`.\n     */\n    field: ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({ defaultValue: '@foldingcollection' }),\n    /**\n     * Specifies the field that determines whether a certain result is a child of another top result.\n     *\n     * **Note:**\n     * > In the index, the values of the corresponding field must:\n     * > - Contain alphanumerical characters only.\n     * > - Contain no more than 60 characters.\n     *\n     * Default value is `@foldingchild`.\n     */\n    child: ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({ defaultValue: '@foldingchild' }),\n    /**\n     * Specifies the field that determines whether a certain result is a top result containing other child results.\n     *\n     * **Note:**\n     * > In the index, the values of the corresponding field must:\n     * > - Contain alphanumerical characters only.\n     * > - Contain no more than 60 characters.\n     *\n     * Default value is `@foldingparent`.\n     */\n    parent: ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({ defaultValue: '@foldingparent' }),\n\n    /**\n     * This option is deprecated. Instead, use the {@link Folding.options.parent} option.\n     * @deprecated\n     */\n    childField: ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({\n      deprecated: 'This option is deprecated. Instead, use the data-parent option.'\n    }),\n    /**\n     * This option is deprecated. Instead, use the {@link Folding.options.child} option.\n     * @deprecated\n     */\n    parentField: ComponentOptions.buildFieldOption({\n      deprecated: 'This option is deprecated. Instead, use the data-child option.'\n    }),\n\n    /**\n     * Specifies the maximum number of child results to fold.\n     *\n     * **Example:**\n     * > For an email thread with a total of 20 messages, using the default value of `2` means that the component loads\n     * > up to a maximum of 2 child messages under the original message, unless the end user expands the entire\n     * > conversation using the **Show More** link (see the [`enableExpand`]{@link Folding.options.enableExpand}\n     * > option).\n     *\n     * Default value is `2`. Minimum value is `0`.\n     */\n    range: ComponentOptions.buildNumberOption({ defaultValue: 2, min: 0 }),\n\n    /**\n     * Specifies the sort criteria to apply to the top result and its child results (e.g., `date ascending`,\n     * `@myfield descending`, etc.). See [sortCriteria](https://docs.coveo.com/en/1461/#RestQueryParameters-sortCriteria).\n     *\n     * This option works from the results returned by the index. This means that if only the three most relevant folded results are returned by the index\n     * and you choose to rearrange the folded results by date, then the three most relevant results will be rearranged by date,\n     * meaning that the first folded result is not necessarily the oldest or newest item.\n     *\n     * However, since clicking on the `Show More` button triggers a new query, you would receive new results based on the sort criteria of this option.\n     *\n     * **Example**\n     * > If you are folding email results by conversation and you specify `date descending` as the `rearrange` value of\n     * > the `Folding` component, the component re-arranges email conversations so that the newest email is always the\n     * > top result. Specifying `date ascending` instead always makes the original email the top result, as it is also\n     * > necessarily the oldest.\n     *\n     * By default, the component displays the results in the order that the index returns them.\n     */\n    rearrange: ComponentOptions.buildCustomOption(value => (Utils.isNonEmptyString(value) ? SortCriteria.parse(value) : null)),\n\n    /**\n     * Specifies whether to add a callback function on the top result, allowing to make an additional query to load all\n     * of its child results (e.g., to load all conversations of a given thread).\n     *\n     * Concretely, the [`ResultFolding`]{@link ResultFolding} component uses this for its **Show More** link.\n     *\n     * See also the [`expandExpression`]{@link Folding.options.expandExpression} and\n     * [`maximumExpandedResults`]{@link Folding.options.maximumExpandedResults} options.\n     *\n     * Default value is `true`.\n     */\n    enableExpand: ComponentOptions.buildBooleanOption({ defaultValue: true }),\n    /**\n     * If the [`enableExpand`]{@link Folding.options.enableExpand} option is `true`, specifies a custom constant\n     * expression to send when querying the expanded results.\n     *\n     * Default value is `undefined`.\n     */\n    expandExpression: ComponentOptions.buildQueryExpressionOption({ depend: 'enableExpand' }),\n\n    /**\n     * If the [`enableExpand`]{@link Folding.options.enableExpand} option is `true`, specifies the maximum number of\n     * results to load when expanding.\n     *\n     * Default value is `100`. Minimum value is `1`.\n     */\n    maximumExpandedResults: ComponentOptions.buildNumberOption({ defaultValue: 100, min: 1, depend: 'enableExpand' }),\n\n    /**\n     * Specifies the function that manages the individual folding of each result.\n     *\n     * Default value is:\n     *\n     * ```javascript\n     * var results = result.childResults || [];\n     * // Add the top result at the top of the list.\n     * results.unshift(result);\n     * // Empty childResults just to clean it.\n     * result.childResults = [];\n     * // Fold those results.\n     * results = Coveo.Folding.foldWithParent(results);\n     * // The first result is the top one.\n     * var topResult = results.shift();\n     * // All other results are childResults.\n     * topResult.childResults = results;\n     * return topResult;\n     * ```\n     *\n     * You can pre-process all the result with this option in the [`init`]{@link init} call of your search interface:\n     *\n     * ```javascript\n     * Coveo.init(document.querySelector('#search'), {\n     *    Folding: {\n     *      getResult: function(result) {\n     *        result = Coveo.Folding.defaultGetResult(result);\n     *        // Your code here\n     *      }\n     *    }\n     * })\n     * ```\n     */\n    getResult: ComponentOptions.buildCustomOption<(result: IQueryResult) => IQueryResult>(() => {\n      return null;\n    }),\n\n    /**\n     * Specifies the function that manages the folding of all results.\n     *\n     * Default value is:\n     *\n     * ```javascript\n     * Coveo.Folding.defaultGetMoreResults = function(results) {\n     *    // The results are flat, just do the folding.\n     *    return Coveo.Folding.foldWithParent(results);\n     * }\n     * ```\n     */\n    getMoreResults: ComponentOptions.buildCustomOption<(results: IQueryResult[]) => IQueryResult[]>(() => {\n      return null;\n    })\n  };\n\n  /**\n   * Creates a new `Folding` component.\n   * @param element The HTMLElement on which to instantiate the component.\n   * @param options The options for the `Folding` component.\n   * @param bindings The bindings that the component requires to function normally. If not set, these will be\n   * automatically resolved (with a slower execution time).\n   */\n  constructor(public element: HTMLElement, public options: IFoldingOptions, bindings?: IComponentBindings) {\n    super(element, Folding.ID, bindings);\n\n    this.options = ComponentOptions.initComponentOptions(element, Folding, options);\n\n    Assert.check(Utils.isCoveoField(<string>this.options.field), this.options.field + ' is not a valid field');\n    Assert.exists(this.options.maximumExpandedResults);\n\n    this.swapParentChildFoldingFields();\n\n    this.bind.onRootElement(QueryEvents.buildingQuery, this.handleBuildingQuery);\n    this.bind.onRootElement(QueryEvents.preprocessResults, this.handlepreprocessResults);\n  }\n\n  // From a list of results, return a list of results and their attachments\n  // We use parentResult to build a tree of result\n  static foldWithParent(queryResults: IQueryResult[]): IQueryResult[] {\n    const rootNode: IResultNode = {\n      score: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,\n      children: [],\n      result: <IQueryResult>{\n        raw: false\n      }\n    };\n\n    each(queryResults, (queryResult: IQueryResult, i: number) => {\n      let resultNode = Folding.findUniqueId(rootNode.children, queryResult.uniqueId);\n      // If he have no parent or is parent is him self, add it to the root\n      if (queryResult.parentResult == null || queryResult.parentResult.uniqueId == queryResult.uniqueId) {\n        // Add it only if he do not exist\n        if (resultNode == null) {\n          resultNode = {\n            result: queryResult,\n            score: i,\n            children: []\n          };\n          rootNode.children.push(resultNode);\n          resultNode.parent = rootNode;\n        }\n      } else {\n        // If the resultNode already exist\n        if (resultNode != null) {\n          resultNode.score = Math.min(i, resultNode.score);\n          // Remove himself from his parent because it will be added in his parent. This allowed to remove duplicate.\n          resultNode.parent.children = without(resultNode.parent.children, resultNode);\n        } else {\n          resultNode = {\n            result: queryResult,\n            score: i,\n            children: []\n          };\n        }\n\n        let parentResult = Folding.findUniqueId(rootNode.children, queryResult.parentResult.uniqueId);\n        // If the parent does not already exist, create it and add it the root\n        if (parentResult == null) {\n          parentResult = {\n            result: queryResult.parentResult,\n            score: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,\n            children: []\n          };\n          rootNode.children.push(parentResult);\n          parentResult.parent = rootNode;\n        }\n        // Add the resultNode to parent\n        parentResult.children.push(resultNode);\n        resultNode.parent = parentResult;\n        let parent = parentResult;\n        while (parent != null && resultNode.score < parent.score) {\n          parent.score = resultNode.score;\n          parent = parent.parent;\n        }\n      }\n    });\n    const rootResult = Folding.resultNodeToQueryResult(rootNode);\n    // Remove the root from all results\n    each(rootResult.attachments, attachment => (attachment.parentResult = null));\n    return rootResult.attachments;\n  }\n\n  // 99.9% of the folding case will be alright with those default functions.\n  // Otherwise use the options getResult and getMoreResults\n  public static defaultGetResult(result: IQueryResult) {\n    let results: IQueryResult[] = result.childResults || [];\n    // Add the top result at the top of the list\n    results.unshift(result);\n    // Empty childResults just to make it more clean\n    result.childResults = [];\n    // Fold those results\n    results = Folding.foldWithParent(results);\n    // The first result is the top one\n    const topResult = results.shift();\n    // All other the results are childResults\n    topResult.childResults = results;\n\n    return topResult;\n  }\n\n  public static defaultGetMoreResults(results: IQueryResult[]) {\n    // The result are flat, just do the fold\n    return Folding.foldWithParent(results);\n  }\n\n  // Convert ResultNode to QueryResult\n  private static resultNodeToQueryResult(resultNode: IResultNode): IQueryResult {\n    const result = resultNode.result;\n    result.attachments = map(sortBy<IResultNode>(resultNode.children, 'score'), Folding.resultNodeToQueryResult);\n    result.parentResult = resultNode.parent != null ? resultNode.parent.result : null;\n    return result;\n  }\n\n  private static findUniqueId(resultNodes: IResultNode[], uniqueId: string): IResultNode {\n    for (let i = 0; i < resultNodes.length; i++) {\n      if (resultNodes[i].result.uniqueId == uniqueId) {\n        return resultNodes[i];\n      }\n      const resultNode = Folding.findUniqueId(resultNodes[i].children, uniqueId);\n      if (resultNode != null) {\n        return resultNode;\n      }\n    }\n    return null;\n  }\n\n  private swapParentChildFoldingFields() {\n    // Swap \"old\" childField and parentField and assign them to the \"new\" parent option\n    // This needs to be done because connectors push the default data in *reverse* order compared to what the index expect.\n    if (this.options.childField != null) {\n      this.logger.warn('Detecting usage of deprecated option \"childField\". Assigning it automatically to the \"parent\" option instead.');\n      this.logger.warn('The option definition was changed to support universal folding across all sources.');\n      this.logger.warn('To remove this warning, rename the \"childField\" option (data-child-field) to \"parent\" (data-parent).');\n      this.options.parent = this.options.childField;\n    }\n\n    if (this.options.parentField != null) {\n      this.logger.warn('Detecting usage of deprecated option \"parentField\". Assigning it automatically to the \"child\" option instead.');\n      this.logger.warn('The option definition was changed to support universal folding across all sources.');\n      this.logger.warn('To remove this warning, rename the \"parentField\" option (data-parent-field) to \"child\" (data-child).');\n      this.options.child = this.options.parentField;\n    }\n  }\n\n  private handleBuildingQuery(data: IBuildingQueryEventArgs) {\n    Assert.exists(data);\n\n    if (!this.disabled) {\n      data.queryBuilder.childField = <string>this.options.parent;\n      data.queryBuilder.parentField = <string>this.options.child;\n      data.queryBuilder.filterField = <string>this.options.field;\n      data.queryBuilder.filterFieldRange = this.options.range;\n\n      data.queryBuilder.requiredFields.push(<string>this.options.field);\n      if (this.options.parent != null) {\n        data.queryBuilder.requiredFields.push(<string>this.options.parent);\n      }\n      if (this.options.child != null) {\n        data.queryBuilder.requiredFields.push(<string>this.options.child);\n      }\n    }\n  }\n\n  private handlepreprocessResults(data: IPreprocessResultsEventArgs) {\n    Assert.exists(data);\n    Assert.check(\n      !data.results._folded,\n      'Two or more Folding components are active at the same time for the same Tab. Cannot process the results.'\n    );\n    data.results._folded = true;\n\n    const queryResults = data.results;\n\n    const getResult: (result: IQueryResult) => IQueryResult = this.options.getResult || Folding.defaultGetResult;\n    queryResults.results = map(queryResults.results, getResult);\n\n    if (this.options.rearrange) {\n      queryResults.results.forEach(result => {\n        result.childResults = sortBy(result.childResults, result => Utils.getFieldValue(result, this.options.rearrange.sort));\n        if (this.shouldBeReversed(result.childResults)) {\n          result.childResults = result.childResults.reverse();\n        }\n      });\n    }\n\n    this.addLoadMoreHandler(<IQueryResult[]>queryResults.results, data.query);\n  }\n\n  private shouldBeReversed(childResults: IQueryResult[]) {\n    if (this.options.rearrange.direction == 'ascending') {\n      return false;\n    }\n    const childMissingSortByValue = any(childResults, childResult => {\n      return Utils.isNullOrUndefined(Utils.getFieldValue(childResult, this.options.rearrange.sort));\n    });\n    if (childMissingSortByValue) {\n      return false;\n    }\n    return true;\n  }\n\n  private addLoadMoreHandler(results: IQueryResult[], originalQuery: IQuery) {\n    return map(results, result => {\n      if (this.options.enableExpand && !Utils.isNullOrUndefined(Utils.getFieldValue(result, <string>this.options.field))) {\n        result.moreResults = () => {\n          return this.moreResults(result, originalQuery);\n        };\n      }\n      return result;\n    });\n  }\n\n  private moreResults(result: IQueryResult, originalQuery: IQuery): Promise<IQueryResult[]> {\n    const query = clone(originalQuery);\n    const builder = new QueryBuilder();\n\n    query.numberOfResults = this.options.maximumExpandedResults;\n    const fieldValue = Utils.getFieldValue(result, <string>this.options.field);\n\n    if (Utils.isNonEmptyString(fieldValue)) {\n      builder.advancedExpression.addFieldExpression(<string>this.options.field, '=', [fieldValue]);\n      query.aq = builder.build().aq;\n    }\n\n    if (Utils.isNonEmptyString(originalQuery.q)) {\n      // We add keywords to get the highlight and we add @uri to get all results\n      // To ensure it plays nicely with query syntax, we ensure that the needed part of the query\n      // are correctly surrounded with the no syntax block\n      if (originalQuery.enableQuerySyntax) {\n        query.q = `( ${originalQuery.q} ) OR @uri`;\n      } else {\n        query.enableQuerySyntax = true;\n        query.q = `( <@- ${originalQuery.q} -@> ) OR @uri`;\n      }\n    }\n\n    if (Utils.isNonEmptyString(this.options.expandExpression)) {\n      query.cq = this.options.expandExpression;\n    }\n\n    if (this.options.child != null) {\n      query.parentField = <string>this.options.child;\n    }\n\n    if (this.options.parent != null) {\n      query.childField = <string>this.options.parent;\n    }\n\n    query.filterField = null;\n    query.filterFieldRange = null;\n    query.firstResult = 0;\n\n    if (this.options.rearrange) {\n      this.options.rearrange.putInQueryBuilder(builder);\n      query.sortCriteria = builder.sortCriteria;\n      query.sortField = builder.sortField;\n    } else {\n      query.sortCriteria = originalQuery.sortCriteria;\n      query.sortField = originalQuery.sortField;\n    }\n\n    return this.queryController\n      .getEndpoint()\n      .search(query)\n      .then((results: IQueryResults) => {\n        this.handlePreprocessMoreResults(results);\n        return results.results;\n      })\n      .catch(e => {\n        this.logger.error(`Invalid query performed while trying to retrieve more results for folding.`, e);\n        return [];\n      });\n  }\n\n  private handlePreprocessMoreResults(queryResults: IQueryResults) {\n    const getResults: (results: IQueryResult[]) => IQueryResult[] = this.options.getMoreResults || Folding.defaultGetMoreResults;\n    queryResults.results = getResults(queryResults.results);\n    $$(this.element).trigger(QueryEvents.preprocessMoreResults, {\n      results: queryResults\n    });\n  }\n}\n\nInitialization.registerAutoCreateComponent(Folding);\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/ui/Folding/Folding.ts","import { exportGlobally } from '../../GlobalExports';\nimport { IQueryResult } from '../../rest/QueryResult';\nimport { IComponentBindings } from '../Base/ComponentBindings';\nimport { Initialization } from '../Base/Initialization';\nimport { Folding, IFoldingOptions } from '../Folding/Folding';\n\n/**\n * The `FoldingForThread` component inherits from the [`Folding`]{@link Folding} component. It offers the\n * same configuration options.\n *\n * Folding conversations and threads requires different processing. When you need to fold all child items (including\n * their attachments) on the same level under a common ancestor item, use this component rather than the `Folding`\n * component.\n *\n * This component works well with Chatter and Lithium.\n *\n * **Note:**\n * > There can only be one `FoldingForThread` component per [`Tab`]{@link Tab} component.\n *\n * See [Folding Results](https://docs.coveo.com/en/428/).\n */\nexport class FoldingForThread extends Folding {\n  static ID = 'FoldingForThread';\n\n  static doExport = () => {\n    exportGlobally({\n      FoldingForThread: FoldingForThread\n    });\n  };\n\n  /**\n   * Creates a new `FoldingForThread` component\n   * @param element The HTMLElement on which to instantiate the component.\n   * @param options The options for the `FoldingForThread` component.\n   * @param bindings The bindings that the component requires to function normally. If not set, these will be\n   * automatically resolved (with a slower execution time).\n   */\n  constructor(public element: HTMLElement, public options: IFoldingOptions, bindings?: IComponentBindings) {\n    super(element, options, bindings);\n    this.options.getMoreResults = (results: IQueryResult[]) => {\n      return Folding.foldWithParent(results)[0].attachments;\n    };\n\n    this.options.getResult = (result: IQueryResult) => {\n      var defaultResult = Folding.defaultGetResult(result);\n      defaultResult.childResults = defaultResult.attachments;\n      defaultResult.attachments = [];\n      return defaultResult;\n    };\n  }\n}\n\nInitialization.registerAutoCreateComponent(FoldingForThread);\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/ui/FoldingForThread/FoldingForThread.ts","import { chain, contains, first, values } from 'underscore';\nimport { Assert } from '../../misc/Assert';\nimport { QueryBuilder } from '../../ui/Base/QueryBuilder';\n\nexport enum VALID_SORT {\n  RELEVANCY = 'relevancy',\n  DATE = 'date',\n  QRE = 'qre'\n}\n\nexport enum VALID_DIRECTION {\n  ASCENDING = 'ascending',\n  DESCENDING = 'descending'\n}\n\nexport class SortCriterion {\n  private static sortsNeedingDirection = [VALID_SORT.DATE];\n\n  /**\n   * Create a new SortCriteria\n   * @param sort The sort criteria (e.g.: relevancy, date)\n   * @param direction The direction by which to sort (e.g.: ascending, descending)\n   */\n  constructor(public sort: VALID_SORT, public direction: VALID_DIRECTION | '' = '') {\n    if (!SortCriterion.sortIsField(sort)) {\n      Assert.check(\n        this.isValidSort(sort),\n        `${sort} is not a valid sort criteria. Valid values are ${values(VALID_SORT)} or a valid index sortable index field.`\n      );\n    }\n    if (SortCriterion.sortNeedsDirection(sort)) {\n      Assert.check(\n        this.isValidDirection(direction),\n        `${direction} is not a valid sort criteria direction. Valid values are ${values(VALID_DIRECTION)}`\n      );\n    } else {\n      Assert.check(direction == '');\n    }\n  }\n\n  private isValidDirection(direction: string): direction is VALID_DIRECTION {\n    return chain(VALID_DIRECTION)\n      .values()\n      .contains(direction as any)\n      .value();\n  }\n\n  private isValidSort(sort: string): sort is VALID_SORT {\n    return chain(VALID_SORT)\n      .values()\n      .contains(sort as any)\n      .value();\n  }\n\n  private static sortIsField(criteria: string) {\n    return criteria.charAt(0) == '@';\n  }\n\n  private static sortNeedsDirection(sort: string) {\n    return contains(SortCriterion.sortsNeedingDirection, sort) || SortCriterion.sortIsField(sort);\n  }\n}\n\nexport class SortCriteria {\n  private criteria: SortCriterion[] = [];\n\n  constructor(rawCriteriaString: string) {\n    const criteria = rawCriteriaString.split(';');\n    criteria.forEach(criterion => {\n      const split = criterion.match(/\\S+/g);\n      this.criteria.push(new SortCriterion(split[0] as VALID_SORT, split[1] as VALID_DIRECTION));\n    });\n  }\n\n  public get direction() {\n    return first(this.criteria).direction;\n  }\n\n  public get sort() {\n    return first(this.criteria).sort;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Return a new SortCriteria from a string\n   * @param criteria The string from which to create the SortCriteria\n   */\n  static parse(criteria: string): SortCriteria {\n    return new SortCriteria(criteria);\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Put the sort criteria in the passed queryBuilder\n   * @param queryBuilder The queryBuilder in which to put the sort criteria.\n   */\n  public putInQueryBuilder(queryBuilder: QueryBuilder) {\n    Assert.exists(queryBuilder);\n    queryBuilder.sortCriteria = this.toString()\n      .split(';')\n      .join(',');\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Returns a string representation of the sort criteria (e.g.: 'date ascending').\n   */\n  public toString(): string {\n    return this.criteria\n      .map(criterion => {\n        return criterion.direction ? `${criterion.sort} ${criterion.direction}` : `${criterion.sort}`;\n      })\n      .join(';');\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Checks if the SortCriteria is equal to another.\n   * @param criteria The SortCriteria to compare with\n   */\n  public equals(criteria: SortCriteria): boolean {\n    return criteria.toString() == this.toString();\n  }\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/ui/Sort/SortCriteria.ts"],"sourceRoot":""}