{"version":3,"names":["Scroller","constructor","doc","this","overflow","undefined","body","style","disableScroll","enableScroll"],"sources":["src/utils/scroller.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * Class representing a scroller controller\n * @hidden\n */\nexport class Scroller {\n  // Stores the overflow style of the page so that we can revert the style back to it\n  private overflow: string = undefined;\n\n  /**\n   * Intialises the overflow variable to the value in the doc object\n   * @hidden\n   *\n   * @param {Document}  doc    The document object\n   * @constructs\n   */\n  constructor(private doc: Document) {\n    this.overflow = doc.body.style.overflow;\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Disable scroller on the main body object\n   * @hidden\n   *\n   * @return {void}\n   * @public\n   */\n  public disableScroll(): void {\n    this.doc.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';\n  }\n\n  /**\n   * Put back what ever overflow value was there before\n   * @hidden\n   *\n   * @return {void}\n   * @public\n   */\n  public enableScroll(): void {\n    this.doc.body.style.overflow = this.overflow;\n  }\n}\n"],"mappings":"MAIaA,EAWX,WAAAC,CAAoBC,GAAAC,KAAAD,MATZC,KAAAC,SAAmBC,UAUzBF,KAAKC,SAAWF,EAAII,KAAKC,MAAMH,Q,CAU1B,aAAAI,GACLL,KAAKD,IAAII,KAAKC,MAAMH,SAAW,Q,CAU1B,YAAAK,GACLN,KAAKD,IAAII,KAAKC,MAAMH,SAAWD,KAAKC,Q"}