Designing Secure Smart Door Locks with PSA
Businesses considering the potential impact of digital transformation must evaluate all risks to their innovative ideas. Securing devices while navigating regulations and guidelines requires the correct security measures designed into a device from the start, with the ability to update security features as threats evolve.
The Platform Security Architecture (PSA) helps future-proof businesses by simplifying security design and functionality for industries deploying or supplying digital transformation.
Security Starts with Analysis
PSA instructs that security should always start with analysis, which is well known as Threat Modeling. During the threat modeling process, you identify the assets, what the damage would be if the assets were compromised and the threats that face your device. With this information, you are able to set a number of security objectives, which will help to keep your devices safe when they are deployed.
Smart Door Lock Security Objectives
A smart door lock is a great example of digital transformation from a static, analog product to an IoT device that uses connectivity, data, and insights to help protect people and possessions.
The user must be able to trust the device and the data and information it provides, while the manufacturer must provide a trusted product or risk reputational and financial damage. To be effective, the smart door lock requires very stringent security objectives to be designed and built into the device. These are defined during the threat modeling process, and often need IP or products to make them a reality.
Click on the hotspots below to learn more about the security objectives applicable to smart door locks, and the possible consequences of their absence and what you need to make them achievable.
Platform Security Architecture and Security Objectives
As previously mentioned, the PSA framework requires devices to be designed based to meet the security objectives. Some of these are used in the interactive graphic, but they can be viewed in their entirety below. They provide the basis for device security, ensuring common vulnerabilities are mitigated, risks are lowered, and devices can be updated with security features as threats evolve. If you’re looking for more information on how security objectives are used in practise and design, view the resources below.
While security continues to evolve, meeting these objectives in all devices will enable businesses to move quickly and efficiently when a vulnerability is found or exploited.
Next Steps
Smart Door Lock Application Guide
Find out more about securing smart door locks in our application guide. This provides an in-depth implementation of the PSA stages and guidelines using this example, and provides a reference for designing security for other IoT devices.
PSA Resources
Learn more about the four stages of PSA, find example threat models, as well as open source specifications and implementation reference codes, to help accelerate secure solution development.
Explore More Options and Features
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