Understanding the Future of Computing

As with any technology revolution, there are always novel opportunities and challenges. Our unique place at the center of our vast technology ecosystem means it's our responsibility to understand technology trends and plan architecturally for their future. At Arm, we define the architecture features needed by future devices, alongside software standards and ecosystem initiatives that make the adoption of future trends possible.


As a technology ecosystem, we must prepare for future computing needs early and collaborate with industry to create the necessary IP and solutions, long before they’re needed. Our ongoing series of tech trends highlights the opportunities and challenges presented by each emerging technology, and offers guidance on how to prepare.

Our Mandate

Identify future opportunities for growth.

Consult and offer expertise on key technological evolutions.

Understand necessary architectural decisions.

Reduce non-differentiating investment with standards and frameworks.

Save time and maximize ROI through collaboration.

Deliver performant and efficient solutions and platforms for a range of emerging trends.

Help the Arm ecosystem gain a first-mover advantage with validated, specialized solutions for future use cases.

Trending Technologies

Ambient Experiences

Ambient computing, also known as pervasive computing or ubiquitous computing, runs in the background, and is user-centric, personalized, and contextual. It combines services, data, and endpoint intelligence with learned behavior to enable the real-world ambient experiences of tomorrow.


By using chiplets, process nodes can be optimized for subsystems, rather than using expensive process nodes. This creates a flexible path to custom silicon that helps reduce costs and allows existing components to become building blocks for custom chips.

Evolving Edge Computing

AI edge processing is being made possible thanks to increasingly performant hardware that can process data where it is collected or at the network edge, informing the fast and efficient insights required for tomorrow’s tailored and autonomous services everywhere.