A Software Library for Machine Learning

Arm Compute Library (ACL) is a key component of Arm Kleidi, which brings together the latest developer enablement technologies and critical developer resources to accelerate AI development and enhance performance across Arm-based platforms. ACL provides a comprehensive set of low-level machine learning functions optimized for Arm Cortex-A CPU, Arm Neoverse, and Arm Mali GPU architectures, to facilitate superior ML performance. The library is open-source software available under a permissive MIT license.

The Arm Compute Library provides superior performance to other open-source alternatives and immediate support for new Arm technologies and architecture features, including SVE2 and SME2.

Key Features:

  • Over 100 machine learning functions for CPU and GPU
  • Multiple convolution algorithms (GEMM, Winograd, FFT and Direct)
  • Support for multiple data types: FP32, FP16, int8, uint8, BFloat16
  • Micro-architecture optimization for key ML primitives
  • Highly configurable build options enabling lightweight binaries
  • Advanced optimization techniques such as Kernel Fusion, fast math enablement and texture utilization
  • Device-and workload-specific tuning using the Open CL tuner and GEMM-optimized heuristics

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Features and Benefits

Performance and Efficiency

Deployed in over a billion devices and the PyTorch AI framework (via OneDNN), Arm Compute Library is trusted by Arm developers worldwide, providing default acceleration and reducing time to market.

Operating System Agnostic

The library is truly OS agnostic and is portable to Android, Linux and ‘bare metal’ systems. Arm Compute Library is used today in smartphones, DTVs, smart cameras, automotive applications and many more.

Optimized for Arm-Based Processors

Arm Compute Library contains a comprehensive collection of software functions specifically optimized for Arm Cortex-A CPUs and Arm Mali GPUs.

Talk with an Expert

If you have any questions about Arm Compute Library, talk to an Arm expert. 

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Explore More Options and Features

Chip image for Neoverse processor

Arm Neoverse CPU

Arm Neoverse processors deliver leading performance and scalability, while dramatically reducing power consumption and TCO for the full breadth of the infrastructure market.

Cortex-A Processor

Arm Cortex-A CPU

The Cortex-A processor series is designed for complex compute tasks, such as hosting a rich operating system platform and supporting multiple software applications.

Mali Graphics & Multimedia Processors

Arm Mali GPU

Mali GPUs offer a diverse selection of scalable solutions for low-power to high-performance smartphones, tablets, and DTVs, and include both graphics and GPU compute technology.

Arm Compute Library Resources

Everything you need to know to make the right decision for your project. Includes technical documentation, industry insights, and where to go for expert advice.




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