Digital Signal Processing using Arm Cortex-M based Microcontrollers: Theory and Practice

By Cem Ünsalan, M. Erkin Yücel, H. Deniz Gürhan
ISBN 978-191153116-6
The Arm Digital Signal Processing (DSP) textbook introduces readers to DSP fundamentals using low-cost, high-performance Arm Cortex-M based microcontrollers as demonstrator platforms. To help readers understand DSP, it covers foundational concepts, principles and techniques, such as signals and systems, sampling, reconstruction and anti-aliasing, FIR and IIR filter design, transforms, and adaptive signal processing. Key features for those learning DSP include a set of hands-on labs that highlight the practical side, end-of-chapter exercises that reinforce the theoretical concepts presented (with answers available online), and online instructor resources.
The textbook is suitable for use in Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), Electrical Engineering (EE) and Computer Science (CS) university departments. The labs in this textbook edition target the low-cost Arm Cortex M4-based STM32F4 Discovery microcontroller board.
Table of Contents
- Digital Signal Processing Basics (sample PDF, available to download now).
- Discrete-Time Signal Processing Basics
- The Z-Transform
- Frequency Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems
- Conversion between Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals
- Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals
- Structures for Discrete-Time LTI Systems
- Digital Filter Design
- Adaptive Signal Processing
- Fixed-Point Implementation
- Real-Time Digital Signal Processing
About the Authors

Cem Ünsalan
Dr. Cem Ünsalan has worked on signal and image processing for 18 years. After receiving a Ph.D. degree from The Ohio State University, USA in 2003, he began working at Yeditepe University, Turkey. He now works at Marmara University, Turkey. He has been teaching microprocessor and digital signal processing courses for 10 years. He has published 20 articles in refereed journals. He has published five international books and holds one patent.

M. Erkin Yucel
M. Erkin Yücel received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Yeditepe University. He is pursuing a Ph.D. degree on embedded systems at the same university. He has guided microprocessor and digital signal processing laboratory sessions for three years. Currently, he is working in research and development in industry.

H. Deniz Gürhan
H. Deniz Gürhan received his B.Sc. degree from Yeditepe University. He is pursuing a Ph.D. degree on embedded systems at the same university. For six years, he has been guiding microprocessor and digital signal processing laboratory sessions. He has published books internationally on microcontrollers.
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