End of Support (EoS) for Physical IP Products

The platform you are trying to reach is no longer supported by Arm in agreement with the foundry. As a result, we are unable to accept support tickets or any other support requests. The platform IP remains accessible through PDH/DesignStart Physical IP at no fee and the end-user license agreement (EULA) granting you access remains in effect. Under this EULA, you have permission to continue design and delivery to the dedicated foundry for manufacturing. Please confirm with the foundry if you have permission for a new tape out (NTO).


Why is this Platform Classified as End of Support (EoS)?


Arm is changing direction for Artisan® Physical IP and refocusing our physical design engineering capabilities and capacity to solutions that optimize physical implementation of Arm compute subsystems and IP. As a result of this decision, Arm is decreasing the engineering investment in the Artisan product line.

Arm has already stopped the development of new Artisan platforms for advanced process technologies. Additionally, we are allocating fewer resources to the enhancement and customization of existing platforms, increasing delivery times and/or deferring requests indefinitely.