MEDIA ALERT: Warren East Receives the Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce

June 05, 2013

What: Warren East, CEO of ARM Holdings, received the Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce at IDG's Computerworld Honors Program's Annual Laureates Medal Ceremony & Gala Awards Evening, June 3 in Washington, D.C.

Established in 1999, this award recognizes individuals whose personal leadership has made a critical contribution to the effective use of information technology throughout the world. Former recipients have included Michael Dell, Paul Otellini and many other notable CEOs.

"The Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce recognizes individuals whose personal leadership has made a critical contribution to the use of technology in making the world a better place," said Merritt Lutz, Senior Advisor, Morgan Stanley. "As CEO of ARM for the past 12 years, Warren has demonstrated leadership in innovation, technology development and collaboration.  During his tenure as CEO, the ARM partnership grew to more than 300 semiconductors companies, and together sold more than 40 billion ARM-based chips.”  

"I am honoured to receive the Morgan Stanley Leadership Award for Global Commerce," said Warren East. "Collaborative ecosystems such as that created by ARM and our partners are becoming increasingly important. As technology companies seek to deploy more energy-efficient designs using increasingly complex semiconductor technology, they will need to partner and work together to achieve best overall results."  

When: June 3, 2013.  

Where: Washington, DC.  

Who: ARM designs the technology that is at the heart of advanced digital products, from wireless, networking and consumer entertainment solutions to imaging, automotive, security and storage devices. ARM’s comprehensive product offering includes RISC microprocessors, graphics processors, video engines, enabling software, cell libraries, embedded memories, high-speed connectivity products, peripherals and development tools. Combined with comprehensive design services, training, support and maintenance, and the company’s broad Partner community, they provide a total system solution that offers a fast, reliable path to market for leading electronics companies. Find out more about ARM by following these links: 

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Arm 技術正在建構運算的未來。Arm 的低功耗處理器設計與軟體平台,已促成超過 2,800 億顆晶片的先進運算,我們的技術安全地驅動包含感測器、智慧型手機甚至於超級電腦等產品。Arm 攜手超過 1,000 家技術合作夥伴,使人工智慧得以在任何場景順利運作。而在網路安全領域,我們也致力於為從晶片到雲端的數位世界奠定信任的基礎。世界的未來將建構於 Arm 之上。

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