ARM Acquires Sensinode Oy to Accelerate the Internet of Things and Support 30 Billion Connected Devices by 2020

August 27, 2013

ARM will offer Sensinode technology commercially and provide developer access through the ARM mbed project, for rapidly creating designs and applications for the Internet of Things  

CAMBRIDGE, UK – August 27, 2013 – ARM today announced that it has acquired Sensinode Oy, a provider of software technology for the Internet of things (IoT). The privately-held company has led the creation of the 6LoWPAN and CoAP standards for low cost low power devices, and has been a key contributor to the IETF, ZigBee IP, ETSI and OMA standardization efforts. ARM will continue the commercial offering of Sensinode’s NanoStack and NanoService products to existing and new customers.  

The IoT is the next evolution of the Internet where products of all types and capabilities are connected. IMS Research forecasts that there will be 30 billion connected devices by 2020*. The ARM Cortex® family of processors and collaborative mbed project, together with Sensinode’s NanoStack and NanoService offering, provide the ideal foundation for thousands of new applications including wireless sensors, smart connected appliances, home health applications, and wearable electronics. The technology is also applicable to M2M applications using cellular connections and the new OMA Lightweight M2M standard for device management.  

The proliferation of these open standards will be accelerated through the ARM mbed project. mbed is an industry collaboration to deliver fundamental open source hardware and software building blocks for rapid development of intelligent connected devices. This includes support for microcontrollers, radios, peripherals, middleware and cloud services. Adding Sensinode’s technology will enable developers to easily create IoT applications incorporating and supporting these open standards.  

“ARM is dedicated to enabling a standards-based Internet of Things where billions of devices of all types and capabilities are connected through interoperable Internet Protocols and Web Services,” said John Cornish, executive vice president and general manager, System Design Division, ARM. “Sensinode is a pioneer in software for low cost low power internet connected devices and has been a key contributor to open standards for IoT. By making Sensinode expertise and technology accessible to the ARM Partnership and through the ARM mbed project we will enable rapid deployment of thousands of new and innovative IoT applications.”  

“Sensinode is a leader in the definition and implementation of new standards and products for connecting large numbers of low cost low power devices to the Internet,” said Adam Gould, CEO of Sensinode. “The ARM architecture together with Sensinode’s software technology covering 6LoWPAN, CoAP, and OMA Lightweight M2M with advanced security will provide a compelling solution for Internet of Things developers.”

* Bill Morelli, analyst, Electronics & Media, IHS, ‘ARM to Bring the Internet of Things to Life at its Cambridge Campus’, 25 July 2013  

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