Latest ARM Technology Showcased at DAC 2016

June 06, 2016

What: Alongside EDA, foundry and embedded partners, ARM will demonstrate how it is enabling the ecosystem to innovate faster and more efficiently with integrated and optimized ARM-based IP for advanced system-on-chip (SoC) development, across wide range of applications including IoT and security.

Where: Design Automation Conference at Austin Convention Center, 500 E. Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, TX 78701.

When: June 6-9, 2016.

Who: ARM experts will be participating in over 30 technical sessions, panels and co-located events, and more than 20 ARM speakers will join partners to discuss new technology collaborations that benefit mutual customers. View the ARM conference speaking schedule.

ARM Exhibiting at DAC (booth #1748)
Demonstrations will include:

DAC Maker Market (booth #939)
This new area includes a host of ARM maker partners and features the ARM mbed™ IoT Device Platform booth. Visit us in the Maker Market to learn about ARM-based IoT devices, and receive an integrated programmable beacon to play the Beacon Battle game and win prizes.

About ARM
ARM (LSE: ARM, NASDAQ: ARMH) designs technology at the heart of the world's most advanced digital products. We are enabling the development of new markets and transformation of industries and society, invisibly creating opportunity for a globally connected population. Our scalable, energy-efficient processor designs and related technologies deliver intelligence wherever computing happens, ranging from sensors to servers, including smartphones, tablets, digital TVs, enterprise infrastructure and the Internet of Things.

Our innovative technology is licensed by ARM Partners who have shipped more than 86 billion System on Chip (SoCs) containing our intellectual property. Together with our Connected Community, we are breaking down barriers to innovation for developers, designers and engineers, ensuring a fast, reliable route to market for leading electronics companies. Learn more and join the conversation at,

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關於 Arm

Arm 技術正在建構運算的未來。Arm 的低功耗處理器設計與軟體平台,已促成超過 2,900 億顆晶片的先進運算,我們的技術安全地驅動包含感測器、智慧型手機甚至於超級電腦等產品。Arm 攜手超過 1,000 家技術合作夥伴,使人工智慧得以在任何場景順利運作。而在網路安全領域,我們也致力於為從晶片到雲端的數位世界奠定信任的基礎。世界的未來將建構於 Arm 之上。

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