Using the µVision® Trademark

Please use the above trademark in accordance with the Arm trademark use guidelines. In addition, please follow the Arm branding guidelines if you hold a valid trademark licence from Arm.



Approved nouns:


Note that there are multiple versions of µVision products, including µVision®3 and µVision®4 debuggers.

Use format:

Arm® Keil® µVision® [version number] and/or [approved noun]
e.g. Arm® Keil® µVision® debugger

Always use the µVision trademark preceded by the Arm and Keil trademarks in first use, i.e. Arm® Keil® µVision®. You do not have to use the Arm and Keil® trademarks in each subsequent use of the µVision trademark.


Arm, Keil and µVision are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries or affiliates) in the US and/or elsewhere.

Use examples for µVision trademark


Correct use

Incorrect use


Arm® Keil® µVision® debugger

Arm® Keil® µVision debugger
Arm® Keil® µvision® debugger

Arm® Keil® µVision® interface

“interface” is not an approved noun.


Arm® Keil® µVision®3 debugger

Arm® Keil® µVision3® debugger

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