
Your virtual beauty therapist

A Korean start-up is hoping to make an impact in the multi-billion dollar beauty industry with an approach to skincare that is more high-tech than high maintenance. Way is a small but insightful device that gathers real-time information on your skin and on the environmental factors that affect it, and then uses the data to send you personalized advice and guidance.

Users hold the donut-shaped gadget to their face and wait three seconds while a range of sensors go about their work. One sensor analyzes the moisture content and estimated oil balance of the user's skin, while the other sensors monitor the surrounding UV and humidity levels. Data is combined with other information, such as figures from local weather reports to create skincare recommendations that are sent straight to a smartphone via the Way app. If the sensors detect that the user's skin is dry, a message will be received suggesting it's time to drink more water or apply moisturizer. If the UV index is high, the person might be reminded to wear sunscreen.

Featured Arm Technology

The device connects via Bluetooth low energy and is charged via USB, with each battery charge lasting up to seven days. Way features the Arm® Cortex®-M0 based CY8C4247 PSoC® 4 M-Series MCU from Cypress Semiconductor, which provides an energy efficient solution to maximize the battery life of the device.

Next on Way's list of things-to-do is to provide recommendations on the beauty products people should use, to cut down on the number that are never opened or are thrown away. Way believes that helping users understand what products actually work will be beneficial to their beauty regimes and their bank accounts.




Cypress Semiconductor

Arm Technology

Arm Cortex-M0