System Elite Technology
System Elite Technology, a system-on-chip (SoC) design service company, specializes in Bluetooth/WiFi connectivity and IC designs for Smart IoT market
System Elite Technology website ContactSystem Elite Technology Solution Briefs
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Connectivity
About System Elite Technology
System Elite focuses on R&D in system level IC designs and wireless connectivity, such as Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4, Wi-Fi, and Sub-1G, along with the ability to offer a one-stop shop System-on-Chip (SoC) Turnkey solution for Smart IoT industries.
Wireless Connectivity: Domain experts in various wireless technologies, which are crucial for IoT devices to communicate wirelessly. These include Bluetooth, WiFi, and 2.4G.
SoC Turnkey Solutions: From initial hardware and software system design to integration, tape-out, verification, compliance certification, and mass production. It simplifies the development process and speeds up time to market.
Customization: Where a wide range of IoT devices require unique and specific solutions, System Elite puts emphasis on customized connectivity SoCs. This offers flexibility in customization for customer’s unique requirements.
Semiconductor Partners: With tier-1 partners in silicon IP and foundry services, offers the best-in-class and reliable devices.
Contacts at System Elite Technology
Yuping Chung
VP, Business Development
Mehdy Khotan
Architect, VP Technical Marketing