The Things Industries
The Things Stack is a cutting-edge and scalable LoRaWAN® network server that supports seamless IoT device integration.
The Things Industries website ContactAbout The Things Industries
The Things Industries is a well-established LoRaWAN connectivity and services provider. With a global installed base of over 50.000 gateways, 190.000+ users and 500+ enterprise customers, we assume a leading role in the global ecosystem. Our mission is to break down the complexities of LoRaWAN development, allow for integration and interoperability across the supply chain, and lower the TCO of LoRaWAN projects. We envision a platform for anyone who wants to become a LoRaWAN expert and build competitive LoRaWAN solutions. We strive to continuously bring disruptive innovations to the market, in collaboration with credible partners.
Arm IP is used in the majority of the low power IoT LoRaWAN devices in the market for which we support network management software and services.
Our core product is the LoRaWAN Network Server. Secure by design, purpose-built to meet the needs of our customers’ global deployments: flexible, scalable, and robust.
Contacts at The Things Industries
Wienke Giezeman
Co-founder & CEO