Real-Time Operating Systems Education Kit

Teaching materials now available on GitHub.

You can download the materials by clicking the button below which will take you to Arm Education's official GitHub pages.

Teach your students how operating systems control individual devices, and how to enable the efficient functioning of device networks, especially in real-time environments. Given the complex tasks facing today’s computing devices, operating systems must be stable, fast and efficient, particularly given the interaction between devices that recent technologies such as the Internet of Things will bring.


Kit specification:

  • A full set of lecture slides, ready for use in a typical 10-12-week undergraduate course (see full syllabus).
  • Lab manual with solutions for faculty. Labs use low cost, powerful hardware boards (donated by partners and subject to availability).
  • License for royalty-free Keil RTX Real-Time OS bundled with Keil MDK development software.
  • Prerequisites: Basics of programming.
Access Education Kit

Course Aim

To produce students who can design and program real-time operating systems on Arm-based platforms and use them to improve their application performance.


Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge and understanding of:
    • Basic concepts of RTOS, task and threads
    • Task scheduling and memory allocation
    • File system and data management
    • Parallel programming principles
  • Intellectual
    • Ability to choose between different programming techniques in RTOS-based applications
    • Ability to evaluate implementation results (e.g. speed, cost, power) and correlate them with the corresponding programming techniques
  • Practical
    • Ability to use commercial tools to develop RTOS based applications
    • Ability to optimise the RTOS to satisfy given user specifications



1 Introduction
2 OS Overview
3 Process, Task and Thread
4 Scheduling
5 Concurrency
6 Memory
7 Virtual Memory
8 File System and I/O
9 RTOS and RTX
10 RTX Task and Simple Time Management
11 Sharing Data on RTX
12 Performance Evaluation and OS-aware Debugging

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