Arduino MKR Projects for Schools

A colourful entry-level project book, which introduces learners to the exciting world of microcontrollers, the Internet of Things and Data Science.

Resource Aim

To introduce learners to Physical Computing, the Internet of Things and Machine Learning through engaging hands-on, real-world projects using an Arduino and peripherals.

Learning Outcomes

  • To develop an understanding, from beginner to advanced level, of the Internet of Things, and how it is enabled by embedded systems, sensors and cloud-based data science platforms
  • To understand how to connect electronic components to create physical computing projects
  • To understand how Arduino devices and peripherals can be applied to solve real-world problems
  • To understand the basics of data analysis and machine learning

Resource Structure

The course is a series of 20 individual projects that build in complexity. The resources are split across Key Stages (3-5):

  • 7 projects at Key Stage 3 (Middle School) - ages 11-14
  • 7 projects at Key Stage 4 (High School) - ages 14-16
  • 6 projects at Key Stage 5 (Seniors) - ages 16-18


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