75 percent of global business leaders are exploring the economic opportunities created by the Internet of Things

October 29, 2013

  • 96 percent expect their business to be using IoT in some respect by 2016
  • More than three in five (61 percent) executives agree that companies that are slow to integrate IoT will fall behind their competition  

Collaborative business models, skills development and common standards needed for business to take full advantage of the Internet of Things

CAMBRIDGE, UK – Oct. 29, 2013 – ARM® today unveiled the findings of a new comprehensive report by the Economist Intelligence Unit, The Internet of Things Business Index: A quiet revolution gathers pace. The report, sponsored by ARM, found that 75 percent of C-suite business leaders are actively researching opportunities created by the Internet of Things (IoT). The report also revealed that 30 percent of business leaders feel that IoT will unlock new revenue opportunities, but just as many (29%) believe it will inspire new working practices, eventually changing the model of how they operate (23%). The report concludes that the implementation of common standards will be paramount to enable communication between millions of connected devices and stop the ‘Internet of Silos’.

ARM CEO Simon Segars says: “The Internet of Things runs on ARM. By connecting the next 30bn devices, the ARM ecosystem is transforming lives by improving the management of our cities, health services, environment and education systems. Our technologies provide the functional building blocks in a huge range of products including cars, heart monitoring systems, washing machines and lighting. Energy efficiency and miniaturisation are essential in these technologies, for example, the ARM Cortex-M0+ processor fits within the width of the average human hair - an essential component if we are to unlock the full business benefits of IoT. With this kind of innovative design, alongside our diverse, dynamic business ecosystem, we can unlock the full business benefits of IoT.”

The report highlights the need for a collaborative approach with companies needing to ‘learn to cooperate with players across industries’, encouraging standards that will avoid the so-called ‘Internet of Silos’ where data is created, but not shared amongst service providers to benefit the user.  

Who is leading the charge?

  • European businesses are ahead (see page 7 of report) of their global counterparts on the leader-board, in the research and planning phases of implementing IoT
  • Manufacturing is leading the way (see page 7 of report) with IoT amongst the industries tracked, driven by the need for real time information to optimise productivity. One in four manufacturing companies already has a live IoT system in place. This sector is followed closely by construction and real estate.  

The top five barriers for companies increasing the use of IoT (top responses) are:

    1.       Lack of employee skills/knowledge
    2.       Lack of senior management knowledge and commitment
    3.       Products or services don’t have an obvious IoT element to them
    4.       Immaturity of industry standards around IoT
    5.       High costs of required investment in IoT infrastructure  

“The self-stocking intelligent fridge is a step closer to becoming an everyday reality,” said James Chambers, editor of the report, “but conversations about IoT are clearly moving on. Two in five C-level executives are now telling us that they discuss IoT regularly. Whether we will all end up wearing clothes connected to the Internet remains to be seen – but it’s hard to think of any business that can’t be part of the IoT revolution.”  

Common Standards for Shared Success with IoT

The report suggests that only by removing data silos and establishing common standards will the IoT to achieve the scale needed to operate across all markets successfully. The emergence of big data is also an impact, with Honda handling terabytes of data stored in databases for 1.4m users. Now, more than ever, managing that data and being able to analyse the little data coming from the uptake of IoT.  

Join the Debate for Your Chance to Win

If you have thoughts on this research study, or have an idea for an IoT innovation in business, download a copy of the report from www.arm.com/EIUReport and join the debate.  Every idea suggested for a beneficial business-to-business or consumer IoT application or service will give you the chance to win a Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Galaxy Gear.  

About ARM

ARM designs the technology that is at the heart of advanced digital products, from wireless, networking and consumer entertainment solutions to imaging, automotive, security and storage devices. ARM’s comprehensive product offering includes RISC microprocessors, graphics processors, video engines, enabling software, cell libraries, embedded memories, high-speed connectivity products, peripherals and development tools. Combined with comprehensive design services, training, support and maintenance, and the company’s broad Partner community, they provide a total system solution that offers a fast, reliable path to market for leading electronics companies. Find out more about ARM by following these links: 

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About the survey

The Internet of Things business index: A quiet revolution gathers pace is based on an Economist Intelligence Unit survey of senior managers carried out in June 2013.  The 779 respondents are based in 71 countries, split regionally as follows: Europe (29%), North America (29%), Asia-Pacific (30%); and rest of the world (12%).

A total of 19 industries are represented in the survey, such as financial services (14%), manufacturing (12%), healthcare, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology (12%), IT and technology (12%), energy and natural resources (11%), and construction and real estate (10%). The sample is evenly split between large firms, having annual revenue of more than US$500m, and small and mid-sized firms. Nearly half of respondents (49%) are board or C-level, with the balance made up of other high-level managers such as vice-presidents, business unit heads and department heads.

About The Economist Intelligence Unit

The Economist Intelligence Unit is the world leader in global business intelligence. It is the business-to-business arm of The Economist Group, which publishes The Economist newspaper. As the world's leading provider of country intelligence, The Economist Intelligence Unit helps executives make better business decisions by providing timely, reliable and impartial analysis on worldwide market trends and business strategies. More information about The Economist Intelligence Unit can be found at www.eiu.com or follow us on www.twitter.com/theeiu.


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ARM Press Contact

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