Using the Keil® Trademark

Please use the above trademark in accordance with the Arm trademark use guidelines. In addition, please follow the Arm branding guidelines if you hold a valid trademark licence from Arm.



Approved nouns:

Keil should only be used with product names within the Keil product family. The list of nouns within this family is very large, so the list of nouns shown below is not exhaustive:

debug adapter
development tool
evaluation board
embedded development tool
integrated environment
MCU development tool
MCU development tool for the Arm architecture
real-time operating system
simulation model

Use format:

Arm® Keil® [product name] and/or [approved noun]
e.g. Arm® Keil® development tool

Always use the Keil trademark preceded by the Arm trademark in first use, i.e. Arm® Keil®. You do not have to use the Arm trademark in each subsequent use of the Keil trademark.


Arm and Keil are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries or affiliates) in the US and/or elsewhere.

Use examples for Keil trademark


Correct use

Incorrect use


Arm® Keil® development tool

Arm® Keil development tool
ARM® keil® development tool


Arm® Keil® processor.

“processor” is not an approved noun.


Arm designs and manufactures Arm® Keil® development boards.

Keil designs and manufactures Arm® Keil® development boards.

“Keil” is not used as a trade name or company name.
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