A Robotics Platform Like Nothing the Developer World has Ever Seen

The team at Misty Robotics is making powerful robotics technology available to more companies and fueling more opportunities than ever before. 

Meet Misty

The robot behind the revolution, Misty, is a powerful piece of robotics technology that allows developers to create solutions for their clients, companies, and areas of passion. From companionship and education to reception, translation, and data collection, this autonomous, roaming robot brings her programmable personality to any number of different tasks. She’s innovation made for innovation.


The team at Misty Robotics has a vision of a robot in every business, school, and home. Their first-of-its-kind Misty development platform opens up a new world of opportunities in business, personal, research, and educational fields, and is readily extensible via third-party APIs, hardware modifications, and additional sensors.

Powered by Arm Technology

Misty’s full potential is unleashed by highly sophisticated hardware that’s powered by the Arm architecture. She’s built with exceptional heterogenous computing performance, featuring two Arm-based processors from Qualcomm Technologies.


Cutting-edge Arm technology affords Misty an impressive resume of capabilities, including object detection, DSP and machine learning, multimicrophone voice processing, and SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping).

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The Computer of the Future

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Innovating Towards Autonomy

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Rethinking Voice Technology

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