Introduction to Computing Using micro:bit
This course provides an engaging introduction for learners of all ages to the micro:bit and its coding interface.
The course introduces all the MakeCode blocks and explains how to combine them to solve problems.
You may be interested in supplementing this course with our YouTube playlist.
Course Aim
This course introduces learners to the key STEM topics of physical computing, sensors, programming and Internet of Things (IoT) through project-based learning. Learners are immersed in a series of projects which involve rapid team-based development of a solution to meet specified criteria. These sprints of project-based work are interspersed with theory lessons that cover the core concepts necessary for the following projects.
Course Structure
Introduction to Computing with micro:bit (lessons 1-6)
- Course introduction and name badge project
- Intro to IoT
- Algorithms
- Binary and LEDs
- Micro:math project (2 lessons)
Sensors and Radio Communication (lessons 7-12)
- Sensors and selection
- Radio communication and Ciphers
- Rock, paper scissors
- Making music iteratively
- The micro:pet project
Internet of Things on micro:bit (lessons 13-24)
- Making a digital compass
- The future of technology
- Smart cities project (2 lessons)
- Representing text and images in binary
- Representing sound
- Tree protector
- Text based programming languages
- Search algorithms
- Sorting algorithms
- IoT project (2 lessons)
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