ARM Mobile VR Leadership Comes to Life at GDC 2016

March 09, 2016

What: ARM will showcase its leadership in addressing the demands of mobile virtual reality (VR) and provide the latest information on ARM’s support for the recently released Vulkan API at the upcoming Game Developers Conference.

Where: Booth 1624, Game Developers Conference, San Francisco

When: March 14-18, 2016

Who: ARM game and application developers, VR game and headset developers, game engines developers.

Press and analysts interested in a briefing or demonstration session, please contact:

Advancing Mobile VR Game Development
ARM has several activities at GDC to showcase its leadership in developing mobile VR games and applications for ARM® Mali graphics processors and ARM Cortex® processors including:

  • A new release (v1.0) of the VR SDK comprised of APIs, libraries, sample codes and tutorials is available for ARM Mali VR applications on Android.
  • A sponsored session with ARM, Unity and VR game developer nDreams that takes a closer look at how high-quality VR graphics can be achieved on mobile devices using Unity’s native VR support. The panel, entitled “Achieving high-quality mobile VR games” will take place Mar. 17 at 10:00 a.m. in West Hall 3022.
  • Partners will showcase market-leading VR devices with Mali GPUs at GDC. At the ARM booth, partners from the ARM VR ecosystem will provide exclusive presentations. Along with nDreams, VR platform providers DeePoon and Nibiru will also present.
  • Sam Martin’s whitepaper 'Expanding Virtual Horizons - The Future of Mobile VR’ explores the potential and possibilities of mobile VR and is available to download on the ARM Connected Community.

Optimizing Mobile Games for Mali, the World’s No. 1 shipping GPU
Demonstrations and exclusive talks at the ARM booth are among several ways at GDC 2016 to engage with experts on developing for ARM Mali, the world’s No. 1 shipping GPU. A consistent theme will be the new Vulkan API and its role in smashing mobile gaming barriers with ARM GPU technology. In addition to ARM technical leaders and engineers, game developer partners scheduled to present at the booth include Cocos2d-x, Epic Games, GameBench, Perfect World, Tencent Games and Unity. For a full lecture theater schedule see Mali Developer Center.

ARM sponsored sessions include:

Also at the GDC, ARM will demonstrate applications of its real-time global illumination solution, Enlighten. A sponsored session, “Making light work of dynamic large worlds,” will focus on ARM’s work with Ninja Theory to address the challenge of combining global illumination with dynamic effects in the upcoming title “Hellblade.” The session is scheduled for Mar. 16 at 2 p.m. in West Hall 2000. A second session, in collaboration with Allegorithmic, “An end-to-end approach to physically based rendering,” will focus on educating artists on best practice for physically-based shading. The session is scheduled for Mar. 18 at 10 a.m. in West Hall 2020.

About ARM:
ARM (LSE: ARM, NASDAQ: ARMH) designs technology at the heart of the world's most advanced digital products. We are enabling the development of new markets and transformation of industries and society, invisibly creating opportunity for a globally connected population. Our scalable, energy-efficient processor designs and related technologies deliver intelligence wherever computing happens, ranging from sensors to servers, including smartphones, tablets, digital TVs, enterprise infrastructure and the Internet of Things.

Our innovative technology is licensed by ARM Partners who have shipped more than 75 billion System on Chip (SoCs) containing our intellectual property. Together with our Connected Community, we are breaking down barriers to innovation for developers, designers and engineers, ensuring a fast, reliable route to market for leading electronics companies. Learn more and join the conversation at

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